According to Law360, a legal publisher that reports legal news, Netflix's PERM application for its employee filed in or before 2011 was denied and it s appeal unsuccessful due to a typo about how many months of experience needed for the job.
This case illustrated how important to carefully choose your immigration lawyer. in this case not only lots of money waited, the poor employees waited for more than 5 years only to have his PERM denied and he has to start all over again. Its likely that his 6 year H-1 visa would be maxed out.
here is part of the LAW360 report:
Law360, New York (June 9, 2016, 6:07 PM ET) -- The Board of Alien Labor Certification Appeals on Wednesday upheld the denial of a permanent labor certification filed by Netflix Inc., rejecting the company's bid to fix a typo on the application about the foreign employee's prior work experience.
A panel of three administrative law judges for BALCA affirmed a U.S. Department of Labor certifying officer’s 2011 decision to deny the permanent labor certification application the company filed on behalf of immigrant Sandeep Balagangadharan Menon, because the form said the job required 72 months of work experience when in fact the job does not require that long time experience.